What Christian influence to Botswana.


After the arrival of Christianity in Botswana, the missionaries established Bible schools and tried to end the old practices such as Bogwera (the tribe's traditional initiation ceremony into manhood) and Bojale (a girl's initiation ceremony into womanhood after she reached puberty), These practices continued to be in vogue in private, despite missionary efforts to end them. 

After independence.

After Botswana gained independence in 1966 from the protectorate, senior Christian mission officials and pastors served as the first Speaker of the National Assembly as officials in the new government. In the 1970s, its new leaders reviewed the Christian colonial curriculum in schools, revised it in order to restore traditional values based on pre-Christian religious ideas, harmony, and humanism. Bogwera and Bojale were re-introduced. The new leaders also adopted a policy of religious tolerance and freedom, an approach towards religion in Botswana that continues in the 21st century. However, the school curriculum remains largely as before with Christian terminology and ideologies

Population distribution of Botswana religion in 2011

An estimated 70 percent of Botswana citizens in 2001 identified themselves as Christians. In 2011 a Botswana government published report listed 58 percent of its citizens were Christians of various denominations, about 27 percent said their religion as "God," about 11 percent claimed to have no religion, 3 percent were adherents of the traditional indigenous religion Badimo, and all other religious groups (Buddhism, Hindu, Islam, Judaism, others) in total were less than             1 percent of Botswana population. Of the others category, Muslims were 0.5% and Hindus were 0.3% of the total population

Holidays related to Christian

Botswana recognizes only Christian holidays as public holidays. The nationwide religious observations include Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, and Christmas. But leave is permitted for other religious holidays as well (But not as a public holiday).


Religion in Botswana(n.d.) Wikipedia.  Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Botswana

Educational Philosophy. Eagle Academy Christian School. Retrieved from https://eagleacademychristian.org/

ADMIN (2019, January, 5) Botswana Public Holiday Calendar 2019. Holiday Calendars. Retrieved from https://holiday-calendar.com/botswana-public-holiday-calendar/82/

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