How Christianity spread out in Botswana.  


Christianity arrived in Botswana in the mid-1870s, with the protectorate especially from British Christian missionary.

The conversion process was relatively quicker than neighboring southern African countries, because regional hereditary tribal chiefs locally called Dikgosi converted to Christianity, which triggered the entire group they led to convert as well

The Dikgosi converted in the belief that the Christian missionaries from the UK would help them to resist Afrikaner trekkers from south and imperialist. Some scholars place the initial contacts between Christian missionaries and Bechuanaland (old name of Botswana) a few decades earlier. 


Neil Parsons (2019, January, 7). Botswana. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Retrieved from

Fred Dzakpata. A case study in the proper role of Christians in politics. ALL CHRISTIANS TODAY. Retrieved from

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