Tswana traditional costumes of the pre-colonial period and missionary period


Botswana is a country in Southern Africa that has rich and interesting clothing traditions. In general, we can divide the history of Tswana traditional clothing into 2 periods: pre-colonial period and missionary period. In accordance with this, we have 2 styles of clothing typical for this African country. Many of them were formed under the influence of colonizers and missionaries who appeared in Botswana in 19-20th centuries.

In the pre-colonial period, Tswana people wore clothes made from skins and fur of local animals.

The missionary period in Botswana started in the mid-19th century. A lot of missionaries moved to Southern Africa in that period of time, and they brought some European traditions with them. One of the main new traditions was the clothing tradition. Missionaries wore more European garments and tried to dress local people in similar clothing. Gradually they managed to change the whole clothing tradition in Botswana. Locals began to discard garments made of animal skins and use fabric instead.            During the 19th century, people in Botswana began to mix styles: they used modest European dresses combined with karosses (traditional blankets made from skins) or woven blankets. Such style of clothing emphasized the changes in Tswana lifestyle. People still tried to keep their folk traditions and at the same time borrowed new beliefs and customs.

In the 20th century, Tswana people began to use Western-style clothing in everyday life. Their traditional outfits became rare in the streets of big cities. Today Tswana mostly wear garments made of animal skins for special occasions: weddings, ceremonies, folk events and traditional holidays.


Manahil. 20 Best Botswana Traditional Outfits For Women To Wear 2018. OUTFIT TRENDS. Retrieved from https://www.outfittrends.com/botswana-traditional-outfits-women/

Traditional clothing of Botswana. Modest European dress combined with kaross or woven blanket (2015, December 11). National clothing. Retrieved from https://nationalclothing.org/africa/40-botswana/56-traditional-clothing-of-botswana-modest-european-dress-combined-with-kaross-or-woven-blanket.html

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